Le porte-conteneurs CMA-CGM Magellan, navire de 365 mètres de long, a quitté le port du Havre hier, samedi 5 juillet 2014, au petit matin.

Particularité du voyage de ce navire vers l’Asie : il a été transformé par l’artiste français JR en gigantesque oeuvre d’art, dans le cadre du festival « Terres d’Eaux ». Plus de 150 conteneurs recouverts de papier pixelisé…

Cette oeuvre est la conclusion de son projet « Women Are Heroes », initié en 2008, lorsqu’il commença à photographier les yeux de ces femmes qui jouent un role majeur dans nos sociétés, mais qui sont les premières victimes des guerres, des crimes, des viols, ainsi que du fanatisme politique ou religieux.

A cette occasion, il déclare sur sa page Instagram : « I fulfilled my promise. At 7am, the 365 meter long ship left the Port of le Havre, France to cross the world all the way to Malaysia… In 2007, I started Women Are Heroes. To pay tribute to those who play an essential role in society, but who are the primary victims of war, crime, rape or political and religious fanaticism, I pasted portraits and eyes of women on a train in Kenya, a Favela in Brazil, a demolished house in Cambodia. They gave their trust and they asked for a single promise “make my story travel with you”. I did it: on the bridges of Paris and the walls of Phnom penh, the building of New York, etc. I wanted to finish Women Are Heroes with a ship leaving a port, with a huge image which would look microscopic after a few minutes, with the idea of these women who stay in their villages and face difficulties in the regions torn by wars and poverty facing the infinity of the ocean. It did not happen at the time… But during the last 10 days, we pasted 2600 strips of paper on the containers with the dockers of the port … And this morning we saw the ship leaving the port. I have no idea of what is in the other containers on the boat: stuff from people leaving a country to build a different life in another region, goods that will be transformed, worn, eaten in a different country. I have no idea where and how people will see this artwork but I am sure that some women far away will feel something today …. And in Le Havre, we are exhausted and proud. »





    Editeur du Mag Instant City, Chasseur de Trésors, Taxidermiste de Souvenirs...

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